Title: Prediction of buffeting loads and responses of a tall building in tornado wind using sectional aerodynamic properties.
Title: Wind tunnel study on correlation of aerodynamic forces on a tapered circular cylinder in a yawed flow.
Title: Wind tunnel study on correlation of aerodynamic forces on a tapered circular cylinder in a yawed flow.
Title: On exploring criteria for selecting model scales of low-rise structures for laboratory tornado tests.
Title: On exploring criteria for selecting model scales of low-rise structures for laboratory tornado tests.
Title: Numerical simulation of dynamic loads and response of a tall building aeroelastic model under tornado wind.
Title: Numerical simulation of dynamic loads and response of a tall building aeroelastic model under tornado wind.
Wind Engineering group posing in front of the Michigan Union Building, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor as part of the workshop.
Title: Pressure and wind load characteristics of a tall building aeroelastic model under laboratory simulated tornado. (Presented by Dr. Partha Sarkar)